Everyday Epigenetics: Raw. Real. Relatable.

Hacking the Nervous System: Craig Meriwether’s Techniques for Stress and Anxiety Management

Susan Robbins Episode 23

Ever notice how your mindset each morning sets the tone for your entire day? Or how stress can either propel you towards success or drag you into a spiral of anxiety? In this episode of "Everyday Epigenetics: Raw. Real. Relatable.", Susan sits down with Craig Meriwether, a certified clinical hypnotherapist who journeyed from deep depression to a beacon of healing and positivity. Craig dives into the fascinating workings of the brain's reticular activating system and reveals powerful, practical techniques to reset and refocus our mind and body.

Craig doesn't just theorize; he walks the talk, sharing deeply personal stories and transformative exercises that can flood your brain with positive neural peptides like oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine. Whether it's hacking your nervous system to improve sleep quality, preparing for high-pressure situations with mental rehearsal, or conquering test anxiety through hypnotherapy, Craig offers insights that are both compelling and actionable. 

In this episode:

- The crucial role of the reticular activating system in our daily lives

- Techniques to flood the brain with positivity and improve overall well-being

- The impact of stress on health and cognitive performance

- How mindfulness and a positive mindset can transform your day

- The benefits of hypnotherapy for managing fear and anxiety

- Practical exercises to reset the nervous system and enhance performance

Learn more about Craig Meriwether over on our episode show notes:  healthyawakening.co/episode23


Arizona Integrative Hypnotherapy


Ace Any Test


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Show Links:

Visit the website: healthyawakening.co/podcast

Find listening links here: https://healthyawakening.co/links

SHOW NOTES: healthyawakening.co/episode23

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P.S. Want reminders about episodes? Sign up for our newsletter, you can find the link on our podcast page! https://healthyawakening.co/podcast